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Here is a synopsis of the many revelations [prophetic visions, dreams, encounters, visitations] God has given to and through me over several years, that extend even beyond the rapture [these do not include those of individuals He also gave me such as Oral Roberts passing before he did, several of Pastor Benny Hinn, Pastor Ulmer, Pastor Jamal Bryant, Dr. Cindy Trimm, Patricia Bailey, Pastor Rod Parsley, T.D. Jakes, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Prophetess Margaret, Jay Seculow and a multitude of others including strangers and individuals in my life]:

They include:
- Famine in America
- Worldwide economic collapse
- Principalities using President Obama with instructions to intercede for him before things get worse.
- Before the first beheading, the rise of radical Jihad in America as principalities increase in the second heaven, with God's specific strategies to shout out the Name of Jesus to combat.
- Fighter jets flying over America in the middle of the day.
- Military equipment delivered to a place near LAX.
- Boko Haram change their tactics in Africa, with God's specific strategic prayers that release warring angels to combat.
- An increase in beheadings in the Middle East.
- Ebola in the news as part of end time plagues.
- The level of deceptive principalities released that appear they carry Adonai's majestic glory/music...where Throne Room Worship unto the Ancient of Days, He Who Is And Is To Come is our greatest weapons.
- Volcanic eruptions, fires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis.
- The spirit of greed/mammon contaminating/compromising God's leaders.
- A warning to God's men who oppose God's called women/Deborahs.
- Principalities on Beyonce causing people in America, including the Church to bow down in "worship" before she sang at Super Bowl.
- Raising the dead.
- Wolves in Sheep's clothing, where I am shouting/warning, and the Shepherd steps in seconds before the wolf can devour.
- Warning of a different Jesus preached worldwide.
- The Enemy's terror released worldwide, but temporarily hindered by declaring "I SEE YOU BOUND IN THE LAKE OF FIRE!"
- The Dragon of the Book of Revelation eating away at things that belong to the Church, until I saw the Glory of God to command him to sit and he does.
- Nuclear Blast in the Far East.
- The Bride of Christ running into the Throne Room for safety.
- The Warrior Bride of Christ arise and reign from the Throne Room of Heaven with scepters/authority to combat darkness.
- Bride of Christ arise in unity.
- 'Abba sends His Son with great love, to gather His people at times of great persecutions.
- The Blowing of shofars/trumpets by Gabriel as preparatory/warning/announcing sounds.
- Archangel Michael arise with great authority and his company of warring angels.
- The power and authority of just one Cherub.
- Elijah's Chariot and Elijah hear.
- El Elyon trying to interrupt services with His powerful/tangible Glory similar to what Moses experienced and greater, caussing those who honor to bow down.
- Our Bridegroom announcing the nearness of His Coming.

They were not just words, but 'Abba actually puts me in these events in the realm of the spirit. I actually experience the effects as if it is happening to me [like Daniel]. While so many criticize, ignore, label doom's day prophets, and definitely do not support such prophetic vessels, does anyone even truly begin to imagine what it is like to have such a mandate from God? Remember Apostle John was not on pretty and decorated stages/platforms wearing alligator/designer shoes, when caught up and given revelations that went out to the 7 churches, the closing years of the Church Age, Apocalypse, Ancient of Days, 24 Elders...he was banished on the Island of Patmos. Some will only take serious/listen or hearken to voices that come packaged or speak from a certain place of influence.

Yet, all these things have been foretold not only by our Patriarchs of Faith but Jesus Himself...Who also declared "Fear Not, I Have Overcome The World." He sends angels as He did with Daniel to refresh from all that He reveals. There is such an awesome place of both peace as we abide in He Who Rules and causes the antiChrist to fall with just His appearing and breath from His Nostrils.

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