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Follower Of Christ ~ Ex-Jihad


Sister Shirley,


There's clearly a divine calling on your life. The Lord has given you the ability to see in the Spirit and has annointed you as a spiritual warrior. I praise G-d for you. He has sent you for such a time as this... He has touched your mouth and put His word in it. May the oil of the annointing continue to flow on you.


You are a blessing to my heart. You were a great blessing to me in a time when I was going through the desert.Your prayers ministered to me and were heard by our Abba in Heaven. I shower you my dear sister in Christ and all the prayer warriors who stood with me with blessings daily before our Father in heaven. Thank you for your love and compassion and for standing firm on G-d's word and promises.


I know you are in the midst of the battle. I have been lifting you up daily before the Father. I sense the anointing on your life. The H-ly Spirit is using you mightily. For one, you are such a blessing to me. You helped bandage my wounds from the Father's Throne when I was injured. You are Christ with skin on :)


His H-ly Spirit is in you and He gives you prophetic utterances to encourage His body.


Your prayers my dear sister go before the Throne of the Almighty.


The adversary has sent you some "serious stuff" because you are doing some "serious stuff" in the kingdom.


You are now in the furnace of affliction, but if you look really close, you will see the fourth man in the fire, the Alpha and the Omega right there with you in the flames. I know it's very hard and very discouraging to suffer the flames. However, I learned that G-d can take those flames and turn them around for His Glory. He will give you a wonderful testimony out of this furnace to be able to bless many people and He will grow your faith tremendously and increase the supernatural in your ministry.


You are like the Prophet, John The Baptist, who was the greatest because he was the one who pointed to Jesus, the promised Messiah. You are always pointing to Him.


In Yeshua's Refining Love,


Ex-Jihad Muslim

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Serving The Persecuted



Sweet are your words and needed are your prayers! Thanks for your partnership. Praise God that I have been crucified with Christ. May the old man never rise from the death but only Christ live through me.

Your prayers are dear and being answered by our Father through the graciousness of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. This week the Lord called me to fast and pray. I am on day 5 and this has been sweet communion with our Lord. Thank you for being attentive to the leading of the spirit.

These are good words and bring refreshment to my soul. Thank you for your quick notes of encouragement and focus. I am sending this back with a prayer for refreshment to your soul and head to strengthen you in the battle. 


You are loved!


love you sister,


Voice Of The Martyrs

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Sergent Of Christ

Thank you for your "warrior words!" SMILE!


"Shirley, you have given up all to take up your cross and follow Jesus. You will begin to see the manifestation of all the seeds you've sown. When Jesus elevates you on the global scene, you don't have to worry about ever forgetting Him and the Precious Intimacy you've shared during this time of sacrifice. You've had to go thru the "lonely and crazy" times because He is preparing you for the world stage. On that stage, the enemy will use every weapon in his arsenal to kill you --- whether it be trumping of sins from your past or trying to cause you to listen to a false gospel and believe that you are god. Yet, you will be impervious to it because you are fully armored and you have The Holy Spirit living in FULL MEASURE within you. Be ENCOURAGED Prophetess. Your "Jeremiah-like Perseverance" has paid off. I hear God telling you: "Well done faithful servant. You have been faithful over the least and I will appoint you over much. Enter into my joy." ~ Matt. 25:20,21. He has given you a lot of talents because He knew you would be faithful to return it back in full measure - that's why you have suffered so much, but just like with Christ -- you learned obedience thru the things you suffered and have persevered because of the JOY set before you. 

I Love you and Be Encouraged, says Our Father!


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Prophet Jeremy Lopez

Woman Of God,


Like Luke and Peter, you have a shadow ministry where you come across people and people's lives are changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. Truly Daughter, the door of the utterance has been open to you. The door of the Spirit open for you. You are a very unique person and you have creative ways about you...And God says, Daughter because I created you in My image and My likeness. Some people aren't hungry and thirsty after righteousness. There's power and healing. There's healing in your hands. You place your hands upon the sick and they will recover. Your ministry is established by Me. The enemy has tried to tell you your ministry will not take off, that you'll be destroyed in your ministry. But God says "It will take off, it will explode!"


Prophet Jeremy Lopez

Identity Network

The Lord says "Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know not". Jeremiah 33:3. The Lord says your ministry is going to take on greater levels, not a level, but levels. His hand has been upon you even as a child.


You are a Psalmist. You will sing and break yokes...bring people into the Throne Room. He says "Yes, I called you, don't listen to man, just because they haven't recognized your gifting. I'll make room for your gift." I see you traveling all around. You've grown weary from the battles..


With the anointing on your life, you get hit from every side. Warfare, have a Ministry of Deliverance, that's why you have to go through so much.


I see a woman clothed in humility...continue to humble yourself.


You are a Prophetess! You've been separated!


Presbytery at Breath Of The Spirit of

Pastor Dr. Michelle Corral

You have an End-Time message in your belly! Rejoice when people persecute you, and speak all manner of evil against you, woman of Zion. Your name is Esther, you will deliver your people.


You've been through many battles, and the Lord gives you more power every time.


The enemy has tried to take you out several times, but he can't because the Hand of the Lord is upon you!


You are crowned with loving-kindness.


Pastor S. White


Dear Ms Carter,


Thank you so much for such a wonderful uplifting prayer. I am so blessed to read this powerful prayer that you have sent to me, I really needed it as am going through such pain and hurt, since I last sent you this email, Thank you once again. May god continue to bless you and your ministry as you continue to labour for His Kingdom. Please always remember me in your daily prayer.


Evangelist Shirley,


Good Morning! I thank you so kindly for your prayers. I am so glad that I found your ministry online, you are very rare. I just cannot explain the way in which your prayers have touched my heart tremendously, we need power-filled women like you on the front line. Your ministry no doubt will soar in excellence, you are amazing in God's eyes, I wish you all the best! I really do, I will pray for your ministry and ask God to take you far beyond the walls of this earth. I am so excited about you, words can't explain!



From Canada


After you prayed for me, I felt I could not speak. I am so full.




After you prayed for deliverance from crack, I feel like I am on a cloud. I sense the Love of God.


P. Harris


After you prayed, I feel like I'm walking on a cloud.




Oh Shirley, Shirley...


What a blessing you are. Thank you for so gently helping me to see. I know it's the Holy Spirit working through you. I felt the Lord speaking to me early this morning as He so often does as I'm coming out of sleep. He was also ever so gently confirming in my spirit how I have been blinded ... I'm realizing that this thing has been something of a stronghold probably all of my life. It was like something snapped when you used that term.


He's showing me that being given a cup is not a tragedy, but a trust. It is a time of revelation, of being brought into even more intimacy and knowledge of the Father. I have made progress and I'm so thankful for that realization in my spirit, as it is just another reminder and a comfort that God is continuing to work in me and He hasn't given up on me. He is able to make me stand!!! Praise God!!!!!


Thank you for being such a faithful friend to J. and me. We love you and thank God for you.


God bless you today and always...




Dear mighty woman of God,


Thank you so much for your prayers and your perseverance in reaching out to me. It is so greatly appreciated. Today, again I was led to read your prayer for me and again I found strength and comfort.


With much love



Thank you Shirley for remembering me with such uplifting and anointed messages. I am surely encouraged and it is messages like this that keep me looking for that place in the Lord where I am suppose to be, where I can receive anointing from the Lord. This is so necessary in this evil day, because the battle is RAGING and we need to always be aware and anointed with strength, power, and authority.





Woman of God,


Thank you for your prayers. It got to the point where I wasn't getting any jobs, that has never happened to me before. I played your prayer several times, and now I have to turn jobs down.


Thank you. I appreciate and need you.




Prophetess Shirley,


The Lord showed up mightily at the service. Right before I spoke a mighty wind came over me like shushhhh! And and I knew it was the Lord. People were moved to tears as I spoke on the Love of the Father in reaching out to the Arab nations. Thank you so much for your prayers. God is showing me that you don't know how much a blessing you are to people, you just don't know. It's a matter of life or death. You are so anointed, assignments against you because of the greater level, so He wants me to encourage you. You are called to come against the compromised Church. You are full of the love of the Father! He says when I was hungry, you fed me. When I was naked, you clothed me. He has sanctified you to Himself! You are a watchman! I'm honored to know you.



Apostle J.





You live in the Spirit. You see more in the Spirit, than the natural - not many Christians live there. God has shown you some unique things about Himself that people need to hear. There is a remnant who will listen. You are called to pierce principalities that are over nations. You are called to rule nations from your intimate prayer closet. God has promoted you as a peculiar person above all nations...above 2nd heaven, close to Himself. God gave you an Apostolic and Prophetic call that is greater than the organized church knows. You have a High calling...higher levels, higher devils, but you are above all devils and can dislodge higher levels. Every enemy of your ministry is known by your spirit. You are called to bring people up where heaven meets earth. One of your greatest calls is to bring people to His Presence, so they can hear Him for themselves. Host of angels are associated with you. He has released higher ranking angels to help you complete your assignment. You have access to angels and have had angelic visitations from Gabriel, Archangel Michael, they will increase. You are called to walk as one with the Father. You see what He sees. You have been hidden. You are called to Africa. As a Prophet, you need to tear down the principalities that are effecting this continent.


Professor R.


Daughter of Zion,


You represent Him. You are so special to Him. He is so pleased with you. No matter what you are going through, you will do it. He has so many blessings for you. Like Solomon, you asked how to lead His people, not for money, so these things He adds to you. You are holy, I see demonic forces fleeing and Archangel Michael working on your behalf. You are called to shake nations. He has put His Word in you, His Power, but mainly His Love. You are a watchman. You lay your hands upon the sick and they are healed. You've been entrusted with many souls! I'm honored to know you.



Apostle/Prophetess LR





You've paid a high price to be in the position to go into places and declare and decree His will and it is done, a high price to know Him like this. He has so much for you.


Prophetess LP



Heaven is having conversations about you, you just don't know.


Pastor Emmanuel



I see you in Africa. I see you with white cloths being flown and people falling under the power.


I release your ministry! There are many rewards that are due you. This message is only waking up what is already in you. You seek the deep meanings of your dreams, even those of angels. You will have more, but you will not see them with your eyes, but with your spirit! God does nothing, unless He reveals it to His Prophets.


Dr. Michelle Corral

Breath Of The Spirit


You are a blessing. We need you to come to Kenya!


Sister Mary M.


I'm just calling to say hello. I am now attending church. The Apostle confirmed my calling as a Prophet. Thank you for praying me through such period of isolation, torment and fear. I'm so glad God lead me to your website. I thought I found someone who is obscure, looking for someone well-known. I look forward to coming to California to meet you and give you a hug!





Prophetess Shirley,


I came across your website and I don't know, I was moved. I didn't know what to do, and the Lord said, "Call the number." I have a hunger to go to a higher level, need mentors.


Mr. C.,



Prophetess Shirley,


I was led to your website, and I sensed His Presence all over and His Glory upon you.


Pastor G.

Albany, Georgia


Prophetess Shirley,


As I listened to your worship CD, the Presence of the Lord filled my home and I wept. I could see the Ark of the Covenant and the Throne of God opened up. The Oil of The Presence of the Lord overflows with the Deborah anointing. I am reading you book and your encounters with His Presence are leading me to revisit my encounters in His Presence that took me to new levels in Him.



Prophetess J.




Your teachings have really taken me to new levels and I am able to minister to my group from a higher position in His Kingdom, thank you!




Hi Prophet of GOD Shirley,

I am Bleassed to read from all your 3 letters aabout the PROPHETS OF GOD, I am Blessed iam taking the massage to all pastors and churches, i can reach, I stongly belive i Gods word JOB. 33:14-15. I am in prayer work of one Month for work of Ministry this year ,God to Go with Us! [We start on10 jan. to 10 Feb.2010 I love Jesus, I need your prayer and soupport as also putv you and minisrtry in prayer President Obama. Be Blessed ! Come lord Jesus.


This is Message our time, to day we are going to be in the over night of the end of 2009. it has been our prayer "God to Speak to us before 2009. I Am taking this Massage a round my Ministry and all Churches a round. God Bless you all, Prophet of GO! We love you with the passion Love of Christ. Very much thankful to all Ministers of "Abounding Love Ministries Shirley Carter, we get and learn a lot since we i come to know you, really its LOVE in Phil. 1;9. We hope you .BLEESSING AND VICTOR Year of 2010. JESUS IS COOMING SOOON!!
Yours in bound in Christ , Srn. Bisp. Joseph

Yours slave of Christ Bisp. Joseph

Kenya, Africa


I must confess i am grateful for all the prophecies you have been sending to me it has bless me so much and giving me alot of direction as we enter the new year.I believe that evengelism and soul hunting will be great the year to come .It is making me to position myself so that i will be in the will of the lord doing just what he wants me to do.



Nigeria, Africa


Thank you for your counsel, words, prayers and insights.





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