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Prophetic Encounter: A horde of demonic principalities, dominions and powers were floating down from the 2nd heaven, in battle array, in synchronized position and purpose, as if on a mission. They were marching/floating down in such order, perfectly lined up, neither leaving its position nor falling over another. They were excited about what they were about to do. [If it had not been for the level of discernment as a carrier of God's Glory, I would have thought they were God's troops. They came with such majestic-like music almost causing an awe.] They began to come to the front of the door of my house which was full of people. As they approached the front door, I ran to the door, literally sensing their dark presence on the other side. I began worshipping loudly, with power and authority...the worship held them back. I had no fear... The Spirit of the Lord led me to direct everyone in the house to worship. When they experienced this worship, they travelled looking for an open window. Where ever they went, I shouted "Worship!" They could not pass this holy worship.

This is a reminder that holy worship unto the Lord from His Throne is our greatest weapon of offense and defense! It is also a reminder that we, the Body of Christ, the Army of God, must be in position, and in order, for our assignments in His Kingdom. No jealousy, pulling down one another, overstepping ranks, friendly fire is allowed in this Kingdom battle. God's Kingdom is one of order...the angelic host know and honor this; even the powers of darkness recognize order, rankings.

Israel won the battles as long as Moses's arms were supported, even though Moses was granted the staff (supernatural ability or authority) to part the Red Sea. Although Moses was God’s chosen leader, he still required the support of others to rightly discern his leadership, who followed up with support. God still raises leaders with greater authority than others. When Aaron and Miriam spoke against his leadership, Miriam was struck with leprosy. There are still rankings that need to be recognized. Archangel Michael has a host of angels reporting to him. Even Satan, has his strongmen with subordinate principalities. Amongst the Triune Godhead, there is order, submission and authority. Although there is equality amongst The Father, Son and Holy Spirit (one God), there is submission and honor. The dispensation of the Godhead unfolds by observing that in the Old Testament, the focus was on the Father. When The Son came, He came to glorify the Father. When The Holy Spirit was sent, He came to glorify the Son.

Jesus: “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.” John 17:4-5.

Holy Spirit: “This is what Jesus says of the Holy Spirit, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.” John 16:13-15

Mature leaders carry a heavy mantle of humility, having taken on the example of Jesus. The authority God has granted them is largely due to the level of humility they walk in. This humility is a tangible blanket, not merely a mindset. Such leaders have become so transparent that often the level of authority they walk in is not fully realized because they never carry it in a way that makes others feel inferior.

When The Word teaches about submission within the Body, it is not referring to submitting to flesh; the lack of grasping this reality is causing rebellion, chaos, a lack of unity and corporate empowerment of synergistic heavenly strategies.

This spirit of order is often neglected in the Church, especially the US. A democratic viewpoint has blinded the true kingdom setup established by the King. Also some leaders who have been very controlling or operated under a jezebel spirit often damage people so much, that fear and rebellion overtakes their victims. An emphasis over building a church versus developing, establishing, anchoring members of The Kingdom have hindered the flow of the Holy Spirit that unlocks the Kingdom of God that resides within each of His children.

When a Christian has been introduced to the Kingdom and shown who they are, it becomes easy to fall into place with enthusiasm and fervor. Inquire of the Holy Spirit about what might prevent you from following proper protocol. Do not allow past abuse to move you into rebellion, recognize the tactics of the enemy to cause chaos, anarchy, strivings that multiply his kingdom in your heart. As you yield to the Holy Spirit He will heal you and give you wisdom, insight, discernment and strength to obey out of your spirit, and not your brokenness.


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