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Someone asked for an explanation of what I meant when I shared how in the past voting for a certain candidate would make my job as an intercessor harder. So I thought I'd share it for others:

When a leader of a nation is influenced by spirits that make ungodly decisions...when they sign the pen, they give demonic principalities legal access to be released over a nation. A major part of my calling as an intercessor/prophet is holding back [with the Glory of God through me], dismantling such principalities [murderous spirits that cause abortions are also linked [part of the Strongman] to those that release increased violence, including terrorism, etc. So now the spiritual battle will be more fierce.

In O.T. time pagan kings would sign laws and decrees, seal them with their signet ring. This is what King Ahasuerus did giving Haman power to kill the Jews. Just like Hitler [who was also raised to political power/influence to make laws empowered by the powers of darkness], Haman was empowered by a high ranking principality...this legal document was used to give legal access to such powers to operate in the earth realm. So God had to raise up Queen Esther to fight with superior weapons, fasting and praying, [including intercessions, willing to risk her life to petition the king for his intervention]. Such a diabolic plot caused Queen Esther’s life to shift dramatically. Such intervention resulted in the death of Haman [i.e., dismantling this spirit], and raising up Mordecai [giving him the signet ring to decree laws that empowered the Jews to fight and win], releasing God's favor and Divine Glory.

So in addition to our intercessions, our vote can place one in position like Mordecai who makes decrees that benefit a nation and release


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