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The word of God declares that we have been translated out of one kingdom into another kingdom. It is the rulership of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. And as Jesus was brought before Pilate, he declared “My kingdom is not of this world!” The Kingdom of God is established in the spirit world. So when God declares to a believer who they are in His Kingdom, He is not referring to an earthly position. He is referring to their position and authority in His spiritual dwelling place. As we take a look at the Angelic host, we understand that there is a hierarchy of certain spiritual dominion and influence. For example Archangel Michael according to Scripture is the highest ranking angel over the warring angels. Therefore we are referring to his dominion and ranking over spiritual/celestial beings. Jesus spoke of access to angels referring to both His relationship with His Father and the authority granted to Him.

But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:52-53

Now believers, as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we have been granted both authority and access to advance God’s agenda. So the emphasis of who we are is referring to who we are within God’s spiritual kingdom not within an earthly organization. The more we walk in

the Spirit, the more the reality of our authority in the spirit will be realized. The greater intimacy with God and knowledge of who He is along with the dominion that Jesus Christ currently holds as He sits on His Throne, the greater authority we will walk in against the kingdom of darkness.

God gave me a prophetic encounter one night. There were satanic creatures eating away at things that belonged to the saints of God. Satan and his cohorts just kept gnarling freely and consistently with no one resisting them. I arose to stop them from devouring. But he stubbornly resisted. Then I sensed The Presence of God from His Throne Room behind him, as my Authority. I spoke with boldness declaring SIT IN THE NAME OF JESUS. And IMMEDIATELY Satan bowed as if he had no choice and all of his cohorts went down with him!

This represents God-given authority over Satan’s spiritual influence in heavenly places, the unseen world, not within a building or over earthly subjects.

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