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I don't know Saints, sometimes seems like there's 2 different Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled worldwide and Christians [our brothers and know the ones you're suppose to touch 3 times] are being crucified, beheaded and burned alive, churches burned down ...yet we still have churches focused on entertainment, whose the popular face, who has the largest church, come gather to our next conference to see a "move" of God. IS ANYONE LISTENING? IN OBEDIENCE, I HAVE SHOUTED AND SHOUTED THE DEPTHS AND LEVEL GOD'S PEOPLE MUST BE ANCHORED FOR.

Some of the prophetic encounters/dreams and visitations God has given me involved being there where a member of Boko Haram pretends to be a friend but releases a machete at me. Others of encounters before the beheadings increased in the Middle East..I was there in the Spirit captured with 5 men. It was the supernatural power of God's grace that buffered the blows they brought against me.

Though the prayers of the remnant has been holding back out-in-out release of darkness in America...God's people must go deeper and higher to be prepared for seeing things happen around them [not just on the news] and still remain strong, unafraid and engaging...proclaiming and demonstrating the Kingdom Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ! One of the stark differences in schools in the US versus that while we were having Schools of the Prophets [where people learn how to operate in the prophetic gift]... Egyptian believers and pastors were attending Schools of the Martyrs [where they learn how to be prepared as a martyr, a daily reality].

DOES ANYONE SEE THE DIFFERENCE, REALIZE THE REALITY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF WHAT WE NEED TO REALLY BE PREPARED FOR? How would you minister? What would you speak to a member of your church whose family member was just beheaded. This is not new, the pentecostal Church was birthed in the midst of persecutions, all but Apostle John was martyred for their faith and even he was banished to Island of Patmos after they unsuccessfully tried to boil they had to really get to know God, get refilled with a level of power and boldness to preach the Gospel in great and deadly hostilities.

Apostle Paul.jpg

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