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For those still arguing whether or not we are in the Last Days, End Times, greater understanding of the original language and context is needed:

~ End times (as that phrase) is not found in either The Authorized King James or the New International version of the Bible. Daniel however speaks of “time of the end.”

~ End of the Age: is found in The New International Version of the Bible. The same text is translated as End of the World in the King James Bible. It is used only in the New Testament. The Greek words (transliterated Greek words: aion suntevleia) consistently translated as end of the world or age can mean “completion or consummation of” the following: eternity, the worlds/universe, or period of time/age.

~ Latter Days: (found only in the Old Testament) and Last Days (found in both Old and New Testaments). In the Old Testament the same Hebrew words are translated as either last days or latter days. The word for latter or last means “end, latter time for prophetic future time, or last/ hindermost. (tyrxa)The word for days is the common word for day found throughout the Old Testament including Genesis where God creates the world in a period of days (yowm). It can mean day as opposed to night, a 24 hour period, a division of time, a working day, plural days can mean a lifetime, a time period (general) or a year.

So indeed referring to Last Days as End Days...last days has different original Greek word depending upon where you find it. The Last Days started when the Church was birthed fulfilling the Book of Joel prophecy.

The word translated as last (eschatos) means the end of or last in a series or the end of space. The words translated as last or end are similar to our English last or end. We might say “He’s at the end of the line.” Or we might say, “He’s last in line.”


I hope this helps those who still find themselves dividing or debating when God's Vessels speak and declare we are in End Times. There is a difference between End Times and End of The Age. And again, those who "see" past dispensations..see to the End, are speaking from an eternal perspective, not earthly time...we see things as if they already happened, regardless of earthly time or manifestations. Shalom.


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