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Prophecy Being Fulfilled Of Ebola In The News!


I recently shared how God gave me a prophetic dream that ebola would be back in the news. In fact in this dream I looked and there was ebola on frontpage of a newspaper in a newspaper vending machine. Someone negated what I shared...but I know the precision in which God has revealed things to me...and I doubt them not. Also a prophet from Kenya had an encounter that was much more descriptive. God never reveals to bring fear, just be prepared and anchored /covered in His Shekinah Glory [Psalm 91]. At the time, He also had me shouting...everything in the Bible [prophecy] will be fulfilled. He had me saying this as if many do not truly believe it is so.

This part of end time fulfillment of pestilence and horsemen.

Blessings, Shalom and Hidden under His Wings, In His Glory...



Another story released on March 15, 2015 of 4 Americans being monitored for ebola: Another story, prophecy being fulfilled:

Another story released March 23. 2015:

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