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When we vow to have no opinion about another, God will give us His opinion. God has given me several revelations regarding the Church, and many well-known leaders including future events of Oral Roberts, Pastor Benny Hinn, Bishop Ulmer, Dr. Cindy Trimm, Dr. Patricia Bailey, Pastor Rod Parsley, Dr. Michelle Corral, Pastor Alton Trimble, Pastor Jamal Bryant, T.D. Jakes, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, etc. And I am not speaking of teachings, from a prophet's perspective, that is an entirely different subject, I mean very personal matters.

Because 'Abba allows me to see through His Heart/Love, all of these were through the lens of love and concern, even if beginning to get has been His Love that intervenes or warns. Some involved the leader getting weary and a part of them wanting to leave the ministry as they ran from the armor bearer. Another spiritual visitation involved me speaking with one about the end times, and God let me know he was tired. I told a member of his church, who did not take it seriously...a year later he said he was tired and pulling back from ministry activities. One was of a leader who died due to illness and people were crying out to God to raise him from the dead. a year later that's what happened. One involved a leader with such a precious heart, surrounded by little children, I now see so many photos of such interactions. One was of a leader who fell badly, and God revealed people stopped listening to them. So when I saw them, I encouraged them. God had actually told a church member to call this leader to get down on the altar for their own prayer needs. I encouraged this member to do so, knowing when ever God does such it's because He loves them so much and is giving them opportunity to respond to His leading. This member never did, and when everything came out, they were angry. So I told them instead of being angry, go to the altar and ask Holy Spirit what yo should do. You see, leaders need prayer/support..and how differently would this outcome have been if the member obeyed God and told them what Holy Spirit said about prayer altar.

Another of one with great authority the floor would shake as they taught in this smaller room while I was there. I thought Lord, they're way over in such and such, I don't see myself going there. Next thing you know, I was on my way to a gathering, and someone called telling me this leader was speaking at a very local I went. And they usually don't teach in the depth's I need, so I kept saying Lord, you have me going for a reason. And that night they actually went back to the days they use to preach on greater depths, the Cross and focus of Jesus.

Before some problems arose, I discerned a leader's spouse was in trouble, because they needed prayer covering, and those close did not see. And later, that proved to be correct with great details. Another, as people shouted and clapped as the leader was on TV, I said Lord, can't the people around them see the strain on them? So when they died, I was sadden, but not surprised. For another, I was able to discern they were beginning to drift, and become more of a target of the that God intervened..let some things out. because had He not, this person would have been destroyed. And it was the Father's great love for this person that He allowed me to feel as His motivation.

I say all of this because many do not believe the level of details God gives to His people, and His prophets. They also often mistaken prophets who bring stern/corrective words as being judging/unloving/critical...while in fact God has given us great love for the Church, His Bride, and can trust us with such deep revelations. Also [as a broken record, I say this] many do not believe you or treat you differently if you are not well known. So they'll say who are you to say such and such about such and such.... this again because their perspective of who is walking close to God is based upon worldly standards [that's all I'll say on this matter]. The Body needs to mature, mature in love, mature in discernment, mature in grasping what the Kingdom of God really looks like. King David needed Nathan. The secrets God revealed to Nathan, saved King David and Israel.

Again, as a prophet..called to discern deception in the church, and principalities sent to defile Her, prepare/awaken the Church to end time deception...God will not allow me to compromise from this mandate, even if he tells me someone is a wolf in sheep's clothing and to warn the sheep, I must obey [and this is also in love], He has admonished me in the past when I shrunk back. It's time for the Church to truly understand the depths of what God is revealing and why. And without love, clang, clang,clang! Without this love, we will not be bold enough to bring God's answer to the matter...and under-gird, discern, warn, encourage, rebuke, etc...all in humility. Those who have tasted God's great Grace/Mercies in times of failure have shaped a heart whose motives will lead to the correct response.

Shalom, Shalom..


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